This is Blunder, an entry originally posted on February 21, 2003 in the blog In chronological order, before this was 100. After this comes Exception. If you're lost, I recommend the about page.

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Aaorn2286: This might be somewhat embarassing,
Aaorn2286: but when I first saw you I was quite impressed by your t-shirt
Aaorn2286: and the emo glasses.
Hanner811: haha
Hanner811: this might be more embarassing, but I don’t have a shirt.
Aaorn2286: You def. wore one.
Aaorn2286: Unless you had a clone or something…
Hanner811: I definitely don’t know what a live journal is.
Aaorn2286: heh
Aaorn2286: Well, it was someone who looked considerably like you
Aaorn2286: and then later when I was introducted to you, I thought you were “that girl with the LJ shirt”.
Hanner811: I’m glad you were impressed with someeone who looked considerably like me
Aaorn2286: damnit
Aaorn2286: the whole foundation of our relationship has been taken away, Hannah.

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