This is Echo, an entry originally posted on December 12, 2003 in the blog In chronological order, before this was Rejected. After this comes The Loft. If you're lost, I recommend the about page.

Other destinations:


The subway station at Harvard Square. I am thinking now: why is it that airports always seem so much nicer than train stations? One answer is that windows and a little sunlight go a long way toward enhancing the mood of a place. But also the echo, the cave-like sounds. Even (especially?) in a place packed with people, echoes are lonesome. (What else is like this?)

Down here I am immune to the natural passage of time. In malls they do that on purpose, design the buildings with no windows or with bright frosted windows so that you won’t be reminded of how much time you have spent in there, so that you’ll stay and spend more money. Here it is just another side-effect.

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