This is Call, an entry originally posted on January 10, 2004 in the blog In chronological order, before this was Endless Dream. After this comes The First Four Songs I Ever Played on Guitar. If you're lost, I recommend the about page.

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You could so do it. A couple hours, an afternoon, a weekend. Nothing is stopping you.

So why haven’t you done it already?

Everyone you explain it to tells you to go for it, what are you waiting for. They believe they understand. You have gotten good at telling the story, after all. So many people have asked what it’s all about. (What is it all about?)

Time. So much time has passed. You’re not the same (though you are).

What will you say. (When you hear that voice, where will yours go?) “Hi, it’s me after all this time,” and then he’ll know? Not likely.

What if he doesn’t remember.

Impossible. But there is still something else, just at the edge of your vision, and as long as you put off calling, you don’t have to see it. He is still exactly who you remember him as, right now.

Go on. What are you waiting for.

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