This is Orange cowboy boots, an entry originally posted on January 9, 2005 in the blog In chronological order, before this was New Year's 2005. After this comes Tzfat. If you're lost, I recommend the about page.

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Orange cowboy boots

“Not know thyself, know thy selves. All the yous, all the years, the days of Magda and Pauline, and orange cowboy boots, and when you believed penises grew back inside a man at forty years old.

We look at who we were, once upon a time, and see that person as stupid or amusing, but never essential. Like flipping through old snapshots of ourselves wearing funny hats or big lapels. How silly I was back then, how naive.

And how wrong to think that! Because now when you are incapable of doing it, those yous still know how to fly, find the way into a forest or out of a library. Only they can see the lizards and fill holes that need to be filled.”

—Jonathan Carroll, The Wooden Sea

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