This is Warming up to it, an entry originally posted on January 23, 2005 in the blog In chronological order, before this was Tzfat. After this comes The roommate situation. If you're lost, I recommend the about page.

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Warming up to it

One of the best things about being outside during a blizzard (a real blizzard, 20 to 30 inches of snow accumulating, 40 mile-per-hour winds) is how nice everyone is. Crowds of people—booted, hatted, jacketed, scarfed and gloved, wool-socked and long-underweared—waddle around in self-conscious ridiculousness and cannot help but smile at each other. Sleds are shared, complements are paid (“Did you just go down the hill on a frisbee?”), turns are taken, hands shaken (through several layers of snowy fabric), names exchanged, and before you know it you are back inside, drying your jacket on an unfamiliar radiator and drinking hot chocolate with half a dozen new friends.

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