This is Colophon, an entry originally posted on April 9, 2003 in the blog In chronological order, before this was Accessibility Statement. After this comes Today. If you're lost, I recommend the about page.

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This site is designed and maintained by one Aaron Schutzengel. It is accessible.

Every effort has been made at standards compliance.


Templates are hand coded (so to speak) in the absolutely fantastic EditPad Pro, and rendered through Ben and Mena Trott’s Movable Type. The entire site is hosted by, who I recommend highly.


The stylesheet specifies, in this order, Verdana, Geneva, Lucida, Helvetica, Arial, or sans-serif. Verdana is Matthew Carter’s designed-for-screen masterpiece (alongside Georgia). Geneva is the substitute for Mac users who might not have Verdana installed, and Lucida should cover any Unix machines hiding out there in the audience. Barring any of those, a generic sans-serif kicks in.

Recently, I’ve started using Dean Allen’s Textile for entry formatting, in a port written by Brad Choate, plugin master supreme. Quote “education” is done by John Gruber’s Smarty Pants.

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